Sustainability &

Our mission is to bring food joy to our consumers by using the goodness from nature. That is why we also have high goals and ambitions when it comes to sustainability, as well as social and ethical responsibility.

We want to offer healthy, nutritious and safe products in high quality to our consumers, while protecting and respecting the environment and the resources that we all need to share.

We at Semper work to protect the environment and the goodness from nature for future generations. For us, sustainability means ensuring that we protect our earth’s valuable resources and that we leave as small an imprint on us as possible.

The precautionary principle
is always applied

The precautionary principle is applied because we develop and supply food products for infants and young children, both of whom consume more food per kilo of body weight while also being more sensitive to undesirable substances.

We develop, manufacture and sell gluten-free food both for people suffering from coeliac disease and those avoiding foods containing gluten for other reasons.

We stand for trustworthiness – something which is also reflected in all of the foods we have to offer.